Searching the Internet I found that I mentioned something called "Thanks." was an area CX 36 Radio Centenario on the internet with messages of greeting for their reopening. During that time I issued a comment clearly marking which I disagree with the political position and ideological radio, but to speak out against their closure, because as a liberal defend freedom of expression. Also pointing to the unequal treatment, as the official "Republic", with a much higher debt had not been down the lever. In my blog, where I issue my first reviews, which are then generously replicated by other Web sites, posted a statement on the radio, I protested against the closure, and while it lasted, I led all my comments with the phrase "remains closed Uruguayan opposition radio CX 36 "(remember when Carve involved a Paraguayan radio Stroessner closed) There were friends who told me that did not defend radical worse than the communist party, as openly support the FARC, Castro and North Korean dictators, Chavez, Iran's regime, and (more or less covertly) to the ETA. Others told me that the correct position was also "The Republic" was closed. There was even one who told me it was a "autoclausura" to become "martyrs" on the grounds that the board of the radio he would not restore service within minutes of suspension. All opinions worthy of consideration, and they all said the same thing I said publicly, I'm a liberal and a Democrat, and defend freedom of press and expression. I remembered the famous liberal principle, whose author does not really matter: "I do not agree with what you say, but give my life for your right to say it." I remember when "The Republic" also stopped by a strike out, I sent a message that was published, entitled "circulating the Republic", based on the same principles.
So why does he say this "Savior"?, (Which despite its name has little Christian, I believe, a follower of Jesus.)
He says because when you reset the radio wave sent to CX 36 e-mail entitled "I welcome" in which he said (everything that follows, mine and the radius of memory, which may not be exact) "Despite disagreeing with the ideological and political line of the radio, I am glad they are back in the air because I am a supporter of freedom of expression. In places where I think I scored my dissent unequal treatment with official media that have the same type of debt. Prof. Antonio Romero Piriz. "
radio director, Sandra Baron was read, more or less with the following preamble: received an email from someone who is at odds with our thinking, someone who was a communist and that several well known here. I have read ( followed) a comment from him about the closure of the radio in saying that you disagree with our position on Cuba, the FARC, the "monkey" Jojoy, ETA, etc. but still disagree with closing. (Do not put your words in quotes because as I said are not recorded and memory)
And after this introduction read my mail.
think it was a respectful manner, because nothing of what he said is uncertain. Or any qualifying saddled me.
So what is what worries Salvador? Let people know that I was communist (and perhaps put to figure out why I am not more)
Anyone can know my story put into Google "Men gray tupa Bolshevik" and reading that testimonio.Y know why Baron said that "many here know him very well."
I worry that someone says that I was not a Communist? Yes, it is a way of denying my testimony. Does that mean
never belonged to the PCU? Then lie. Belonged to the legal and underground.
Does that mean he did not believe in Communist ideas? Well, think again. Much thought to the point of going through many difficult trials, imprisonment and exile, to disappoint, long before the Berlin Wall fell.
I joined the communist movement does more than 40 years, and I stopped being a communist for a little over 30.
I think every man has a destiny, and mine may be witness to the end of my days what happened, to help prevent our country from falling into the clutches of totalitarianism of the followers of Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Castro.
Today I am one of a million Uruguayans voted no Mujica (force millions wasted if any)
And do not vote because in the face to which the President and his government are the Communists. As we are also in the PIT-CNT.
One of my "spirit guides" is Eudocio Ravines, later to be leader of the Communist International with Stalin, when he stopped believing dedicated his life to denounce what is communism. Said
Ravines: "There are many ex - communist, but I've taken a step further and I am anti-"
If there ex - communist, that another of them, the American writer Howard Fast, said: "I am the world's largest party, the ex-communist "If one word
excommunicated by the Holy Office," the party "and calls the worst hell for believers Bolsheviks is" anti. "
That is what I am, as well as anti-fascist (yes I've been all my life) because as a Democrat I am against all forms of totalitarianism.
So, Salvador: Communist and now I'm (PROUD) Anti
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