Thursday, February 10, 2011

James Bond Dinner Party Ideas



Voices Orejana ORIENTAL "Antonio Romero Piriz
comment on what we, the Eastern publish, I encourage you to do so.

Editor of Search:


Today Thursday February 3, 2011, in his weekly I read more than 30 years, published two letters on the President's visit to Peru Mujica, one of Hugo Ferrari and the other the son of Armando Acosta y Lara, who has also appeared in other media.

The letter from Mr. Acosta and Lara have the pain of a child, which is very respectable.

has some interesting things but wrong in others and forget any more.

is right in saying that the MLN did not fight for democracy against dictatorship.

But he is wrong when he says that "no member of the MLN was a political prisoner."

is the old mistake of saying they were criminals.

If they were they had not come to the places they occupy. As he says, were Castro's guerrillas who wanted what they call "socialism" and that leads to a dictatorship like the USSR or Cuba. But it is a political objective.

is true that the military power of MLN committed several murders, as we now know (by the mouth of Gilberto Vazquez), also the soldiers were murderers and got rid of those killed.

But those who were not (were not) of the military, but the political apparatus (column 70, 26 March Movement) did not commit (we did not make) more "crime" propaganda.

I spent two years as a prisoner, hooded and tortured by painting walls ("The joint forces torture and lies," they said) and passing out similar content.

In my testimony of those years, you can see Google putting "Grey Men, tupa Bolsheviks, Communists and Tupamaros in Uruguay", related the following:

(in the barracks Military Detention Establishment No. 1, Libertad, 1973, the dictatorship) "Another day I found only one oficialito (the others were in recess) and asked me what was leyendo.Se Neruda was a series of poems praising Stalin, deep content and pro-Soviet communist. I said it was more poetry and did not investigate. Then I asked what crime he had committed. I was tempted to say none because it was a political prisoner, but I held, because no witnesses would only serve to penalize me and I replied to the charges I was given: Attack on the Constitution in the degree of conspiracy, attendance subversive association and Moral Force Attack on Army and Navy (do not know why they forgot the Air Force). "
Forget also
sr. Acosta y Lara said that his father (who never should be killed because I am opposed to the death of any human being), was charged at that time (never know whether truly or not, but was accused) of being a member of ` `command tupamaros game (also called" death squad ") terrorist group that tortured and murdered several young students of the Independent Movement March 26 at the time, by sympathizing with the MLN, one Íbero Gutiérrez.

I was also the `26`, a member of the "Red Orchestra", and could have been one of the tortured and murdered by this gang of policemen, military and civilians who acted illegally.

Then there is the letter of Hugo Ferrari, on behalf of a "center for human rights." Is it the same Hugo Ferrari "Search" and other media advocates said years ago we suffered military dictatorship from 1973 to 1985? Will there be changed that way of thinking? I have not seen in any media condemning the torture and murder of that dictatorship. Yes I have been condemning human rights violations in Cuba, which are the same SENTENCE.

can not be both a supporter of dictatorship and to defend human rights.


Prof. Antonio Romero Piriz

I add the following document taken from the Internet (this was not in the letter sent to search)

What happened to them:

I did a little research about what happened to some of the people who were accused of belonging to Command Hunting Tupamaros. Here are the results:

Acosta y Lara, Armando. Deputy Minister of Interior. Killed April 14, 1972 by a commando tupamaro.

Bardesio; Nelson: Photographer and police officer. Then be released by mid-1972 tupamaros disappeared, being sent first to Canada and then to Mexico, where some sources claim that religion serves as pastor.

Campos Hermida, Hugo: Commissioner. died on 24 November 2001, a victim of cancer.

Cantrell, William: Advisor to the Public Security Bureau and CIA. Operated in Uruguay between 1966 and
1970. Know your current paardero.

Castiglioni, Victor: Inspector of Police. He died in 2000. Crossa

Cuevas, Angel: Paraguayan citizen (or Uruguayan citizen in this country]. When his name appeared in the Proceedings of Bardesio, received support from the Paraguayan Embassy and left our country under heavy guard. Some sources indicate that in 2002 still lived in Asunción.

Delegates, Oscar: Commissioner. On February 2, 1972 was made an attempt on his home. Was assassinated on April 14, 1972, at the hands of a command tupamaro that strafed his car.

Macchi, José Pedro: Commissioner. Seriously injured during an attack of MLN on 10 February 1972. He died on July 21, 2004.

Machado, Walter: Colonel FAU. In 2007 he was still alive and was called as a witness in a case against military officers accused of torture.

Mato, Peter, Captain. He retired from the Army with the rank of Coronel, live in the town of Rivera, having adopted Brazilian citizenship.

Motto, Ernesto: Lt. Cmdr. Killed April 14, 1972 in the town of Las Piedras, when he was about to retire from active duty.

Nader, George: Commander. After the events of April 1972 was shipped. participated in the mutiny of The Hill in 1973. Retired with the rank of Captain, died after the year 2000 (I have no exact date).

Piran, Carlos: Political Colorado Party. He was presidential running mate Pacheco Areco, after the return of this, in 1984, Minister of Industry and Energy during the Sanguinetti government between 1985 and 1986. Today, 74 years, living in retirement from political life.

Ribas, Juan Pablo: General. He ran for President of the Republic by the Colorado Party in 1971, but received few votes. Retired, died in 1975 at 80 years of age.

Rodas, Oscar: Police. After the kidnapping of Bardesio downward asked his superiors that he was not accepted. Some sources claim that he took refuge in the Paraguayan Embassy, \u200b\u200bfrom where it departed for an unknown destination. Other sources state that still lives inside the country.

Sena, Danilo: Brigadier of the FAU. He served as Minister Interior of the Government of Pacheco Areco, from 1971 to 1972. He died in 1997.

Sofia, Miguel: Businessman. On April 14, 1972 saved his life, ruling an attack on him. Currently owns several radio stations (Silver Group) and the Federal Enterprise Security. -------------------------------------


Peirano, Ricardo; Arregui, Miguel and others;
Great Encyclopedia of Uruguay (4 volumes), Diario El Observador, Montevideo, 2000 to 2002



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