Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Changing Shoes Hurts My Knees

Tristeza en el corazón de la dictadura cubana por la muerte de Osama Bin Laden

The Castro dictatorship, feel deep sorrow in the depths of his heart, by the death of Osama Bin Laden, one of the biggest terrorists in the history of mankind, but is careful to externalize. This tremendous victory for the United States and the entire American people, extends to all democrats in the world, is also a loss for the Castro brothers. Look in the mirror and see how the tyrants can not escape justice, ever and sooner or later they arrive. The Saudi criminal, fled for more than eighteen years because in 1993 had made an attack on the twin towers, but President Clinton did little incapié, to capture, or deleted.
President George Bush, Junior, failed to top the success, despite the extraordinary effort made to apprehend him and was Barack Obama, who got the upper hand and the the palms of the world Congratulations Mr President, extensible to other U.S. officials and all the people of the United States of America!
Tyrants, Look at you in the mirror of Osama Bin Laden, which is very close to the cliff, soon to be in, the tyrant of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi and to others.
Now the vice president of Venezuela, Elias Jaua, spoke and said that the death of Bin Laden, was a political assassination, we see that Reflexor Cuban says in his writings, about it, because all morning on Monday, Radio Reloj, had made no mention of the death of Arab terrorist. Cuba is on the imaginary list of future uprisings, although not known the precise moment that will occur, but it will come, sooner or later. How to start? We'll see, what if you can be sure of tyrants, it is of no safe hiding place. The same Alberto Fujimori, was to hide in a powerful country such as Japan and although he refused to surrender, he had no choice but to force him to leave Chile and extradited him to Peru. No country will resist pressure from the international community.
Perhaps the day is near, that the United Nations United decreed the illegality of dictatorships and acted against them vigorously, no matter what anyone says tyrants, nor be allowed to say that they are internal problems of their countries, which should be decided by the people, because those people, as ours, are tied hand and foot and tyrants, armed to the teeth and clinging to power. Nothing can do to safarse for themselves, their moorings. So it is with North Korea, that hunger and malnutrition are creating people, smaller and weaker and mental disabilities, capable enslave and unable to fight against slavery. This is the new man trying to create the Communists, man to submit their designs, like sheep, which are not even able to moan when they attack or kill them. That was reported by Herbert Spencer, in his book, "The Future Slavery", which favorably reviewed, was enunciated by our apostle, José Martí in 1884 and appears in Volume 15 of his complete works.
Today is World Day of Freedom of Expression, but in Cuba, is not very safe to try to express themselves freely, can a stop in Calabar get a few sticks or end up in jail, although the case are freeing Political Prisoners.
Hector Julio Cedeño Negrin
Cuba's independent journalists.
Havana, May 3, 2011.


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