Saturday, May 7, 2011

Brotherscanning Software


five prisoners of the Castro regime:
Today Tuesday April 19, 2011 to 2:12 pm I was reflecting on the cause of the boys in the boat "Baragua" in 2003 and I decided to write. Four of them are with a penalty of life in prison more rigor "Combination of the East" in the special area of \u200b\u200b47 better known as the (death row) and one with 30 years in prison "Guanajay" in this prison and have 8 years of their lives where the only goal was to leave the island, not carrying any firearm neither damaged nor injured anyone, as it is by believing the government to justify the shootings there were three, one was just 22years, these sanctions have been disproportionate, excessive and even drastic, but it seems that Fidel Castro does not remember that in the book that the public called "History will absolve me" There is a paragraph saying that he was no elephant to endure 15 years in prison, or is that because the years has lost her memory? and do not remember that in the assault on the Moncada barracks were dead: I wonder those guys who are serving sanctions then what are mammoths? to be imprisoned for life under the worst conditions you can have a human being, I would not relieve him from responsibility, as a mother that I am not blind but I can not understand how to Fidel Castro at the time the dictator who was in that time given amnesty, why these young people who committed acts of blood there was freed from prison with other prisoners who were exiled to Spain?, preferring exile to them before you see them languish in prison.
This case was known worldwide as was the message at that time Pope John Paul II sent him to Fidel Castro: ... "His Holiness has asked me to ask Your Excellency to kindly consider a significant gesture of clemency toward those convicted ... "But the public was also, and world-famous, the" significant gesture of clemency "the Cuban government was punished for, so that today bear a dirty and indelible sign" Terrorist "weighing too much and mark their lives.
We, mothers, wives and sisters of these 5 prisoners of Castro ask for justice and given their freedom but to achieve this is exile.
With kind regards peace, we sign this the 19th day of April 2011.
Taboas Julia Estrella Aramburo (mother and aunt of Harold Alcala and Maykel Delgado, life imprisonment).
Ledea Ana Rosa Rios (expressed in this cause and aunt of Wilmer Ledea)
Nancy Perez Avila (Wilmer Ledea mother, 30 years)
Maritza Henry Grillo (sister of Ramon Henry Grillo, life imprisonment)
Email: juliaestrella2007 @
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Letter Harold Alcala Aramburo (political prisoner),
Today through these lines, I get to all those organizations, which in one way or another, being able to welcome to all Cubans who have been oppressed by the regime of Castro, for the simple fact not think and act like the communists, in which reality comes the fact that in Cuba there is no democracy or human rights for millions of reasons not cite precise than those that are known, and as an example of this fact existing. We are victims of these youth who had the courage and dignity not to accept any more the dictatorship of the Castros, which has been implemented for over five decades.
1-        Maykel Delgado Aramburo (preso político-2003 lancha de “Baragua”)                                                                                       
2-        Wilmer Ledea Pérez          (Political prisoner-2003 launch "Baragua")
3 - Ramon Henry Grillo (political prisoner-2003 launch "Baragua")
4 - Yoannys Thomas Gonzalez (political prisoner-2003 boat "Baragua")
5 - Harold Alcala Aramburo (political prisoner-2003 boat "Baragua")
6 - Jorge Luis Pérez Puentes (political prisoner-2003 aircraft in the Isle of Youth)
7 - José Ángel Díaz Ortiz (political prisoner-2003 aircraft in the Isle of Youth)
The reason why I write this letter on behalf of these young people is to report verbatim the conditions in which we held.
We have four years in death row known as the 47, located within the prison "Combination of the East" for more security, but Wilmer Ledea found in the prison of maximum security "Guanajay" .
We are in small cells, where it enters the clarity, where the heat and the mosquitoes are unbearable because these cells have no ventilation and the climate of Cuba is totally hot, know what kind of temperature we have to face in the summer. We are surrounded by a moat of sewage, which passes through these waters of the three buildings that are in prison, this pit is flooded since August 2010, and today remains the same, they have not given a solution to this hygiene problem with which we live as if we were some kind of creatures immune to serious diseases caused by this type of event, we take 7 hours of sun a day in a detailed lattice space with high walls where the visibility is only the sky, we see television behind a rather dense grid so the grid is screen tv, we have no chair or table they eat on the floor and watch TV stand.
psychologically torturing us, we chained her hands to her waist, handcuffed us and toes to talk on the phone, which we played 10 minutes every 21 days, the visits give us a little cubicle lattice and where padlocked shut our families and children we have in our family.
This is to have a notion of how we live, but our biggest problem is that in these 8 years in prison that we have not done justice to any of us, as the G-2 he met with each for us to say we were in the process of release that recently concluded, as Raúl Castro said in his speech at the 6th Congress.
Please the "European Union" to advocate for us, that we embrace as our hands are not stained with blood, we are not criminals nor murderers if we are a group of young people who had the audacity to confront the Castro dictatorship to defend our ideals.
trust you and expect the world to know the reality and truth of our case.
who writes.
Harold Alcala Aramburo (political prisoner), son of Julia Estrella Aramburo (Lady in White)
PS: Our greetings and regards to all, today we declare hunger strike I make a clarification because right now the state security prison director and the DTI talk to them to desist from the strike.


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