Saturday, April 23, 2011

What Does Open Patella Do


All books deserve to be celebrated, a book is always a good company, with them having fun, laugh, dream, imagine, cry, reflect, teach us ... make us live different experiences and travel remote places ... we want to share a book much loved by Taller Secrets: ¨ Heart for Arepa ¨, writing by Marisa Vannini, who arrived in Venezuela for many years from Italy and made the English language, so much so that it has raised from the smallest to the largest. Marisa is an educator par excellence, because it began as a preschool teacher, then taught at High Schools and ended as professor at the Universidad Central de Venezuela. Also has left a wonderful legacy: his books ...

¨ Arepa Heart ", is a story to love each other more, to accept who we are and to discover our true essence. It is the story of love and Arepa Heart Piece of Bread .. who had many children who called Good People ... do not stop reading!

The drawings were made by students of
Traces of Imagination Programme (Promotion of Reading)
Colegio La Fe, which coordinated during the 2009-2010 school year.


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