Thursday, April 14, 2011

Produce Too Much Blood

Carta abierta de Tres Damas de Blanco

With kind regards peace, we come to you. For the second time, to denounce and attempt to be heard.
For the second time, because the January 24, 2011, we had a letter in which we are referring to the switching of
the death sentence to thirty years imprisonment, Salvadoran citizen, Ernesto Cruz Leon, for the commission of an established
crime of "Terrorism", in which died on an Italian citizen action, Fabio Dicelmo in the Copacabana hotel.
Against the foregoing, a more recent development was that of the numerous deaths incurred in the Psychiatric Hospital
of Havana, where the defendants were not imposed, a sentence greater than twenty years.
However, those involved in the events of the "boat Baraguá", because 17 of 2003, whose names appear below:
1. Harold Alcala Aramburo (life)
2. Maykel Delgado Aramburo (life)
3. Yoanny Thomas Gonzalez (life)
4. Henry Ramón Grillo (life)
The above are serving penalties, the maximum prison rigor "Combined del Este, in the special area 47
( death row), which are confined to four years.
Another sanctioned Ledea Wilmer Perez (thirty years), is in prison for more stringent Guanajay. These five
young people are political prisoners and take eight years of captivity. This case was black most of the "Black Spring", as the
Castro government, determined to shoot three people, for the simple fact of trying to leave the country. Since then, I'm begging,
as Mother, "Justice and Freedom."
In this process, releases, where the Catholic Church, is mediating with the Cuban government, they appear in the
that list, but so moment, we are not confirmed anything about it.
As Mothers and "Ladies in White" who we are, we pray that we listen and help us these guys are
considered the mission accomplished, with the delivery of this.
remain yours.
; Sincerely .
Taboas Julia Estrella Aramburo. Mother of political prisoner, Harold Alcala Aramburo.
; Aunt political prisoner, Maykel Delgado Aramburo.
Nancy Perez Avila Mother of political prisoner, Wilmer Ledea Perez.
Ríos Ana Rosa Ledea ; Aunt of Political Prisoner, Wilmer Ledea Perez.
Home Phone 863 88 66
Mobile (05) 3454763.


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