Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Nutritional Prevention Of Endometriosis



met 4 years
Secrets Workshop has great friends, consequential readers, visitors far from Malaysia, Turkey, Denmark, Sweden, England, Singapore, Italy, Egypt, Bulgaria, Austria, Belgium, France, Indonesia, Russia, Greece, who came to register ... It's common to have the company of friends from Spain, U.S. and Latin America all my dear.
closed almost every night with a little more or a little less than 80 visits a day, we had to start a count in January 2011 to track annual as I suggested.
We made a literary magazine in Venezuela, with all the love they deserve.
We are a space for reading and creative writing,
children make use of this space by reading and writing, are our greatest pride!
you Workshop Secrets delivery to children, youth and adults beautiful poems, stories, thoughts and other great contemporary writers who are no longer ...
comply with reporting the log of the places where I'm teaching my workshops in reading and creative writing for children and adolescents ...
and other activities of interest.
promote the love of Mother Earth, respect, peace, solidarity and love of neighbor.
We want to thank you for your support, affection and company, my thanks also for expressing what all those wonderful beings who made it possible to keep the Web
with his writings, drawings, photos ... etc!
As always said: ¨ to continue the Feast of Letters and Children ¨

My embrace in fellowship,



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